Ignorant les Messages naturelles du corps se trouve aujourd'hui à la base de la plupart des maladies

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The Body's Many Messages

You don't really need to understand the exact mechanisms behind the hunger signal that the body gives you when it needs food. All you need to do is to eat and experience how the hunger subsides. By habitually ignoring the natural urge to eat, your stomach, pancreas and small intestines may become 'upset' and start adjusting to your new rule of living by keeping their production of digestive juices low, so as not to waste the body's precious energy and resources. As a result, when you suddenly eat a substantial, normal meal, you are likely to suffer indigestion.

On the other hand, if your stomach tells you that you are not hungry, that you don't require any food at the moment, but you still eat out of politeness, curiosity, boredom or temptation, the digestive system's vote for abstinence is overruled. Because the body is not prepared to digest food at this time, it cannot do so. This is another cause of indigestion.

If you feel the natural urge to have a bowel movement, the body sends you in the direction of a toilet. But by disregarding this signal because it comes at an inconvenient time, your body has no other choice but to hold on to the waste. Eventually, the urge to defecate subsides, and more and more water is withdrawn from the feces until it is too dry and hard to prompt a bowel movement. This condition is known as constipation. Destructive bacteria begin to break down some of the waste, leading to toxic gases and other noxious substances. This may cause blood poisoning and other disturbances in the digestive system.

When your body feels tired and sleepy you have the natural urge to lie down and sleep. However, a cup of coffee or a cigarette will provide you with enough adrenaline to keep you awake. If you ignore the body's sleep signals as a matter of routine, the oversecretion of adrenaline and other stress hormones may end up making you hyperactive and unable to relax or sleep properly.

Ignoring the natural messages of the body lies at the basis of most illnesses today. To add to the already existing confusion about health matters, books, radio, television and especially magazines bombard you with an overwhelming amount of advice and information on the latest slimming diets, routines and lifestyle programs that are supposed to be 'so good for you.' For example, not so long ago we were told that potatoes and pasta were among the most fattening foods. Shortly thereafter, nutritionists considered them good for slimming, and the latest low carb craze dismisses them as junk food. Torn between various health doctrines, we look for perfect answers to our problems. In the end, when your body is exhausted because of trying to adjust to one diet after another, you may begin to realize that your body's requirements are totally unique and that they undergo constant changes, often from one day to the next.

If you are a sensitive person, you must have noticed that on certain days of the month or at different times of the day, you are able to digest a particular food item more easily. The same food can make you feel vital and energetic on one day and cause you an upset stomach, bloating or cramping on another day. You may find that the same pasta dish may leave your stomach quickly after one meal, whereas two weeks later, the same dish will sit there like a rock, make you feel congested and even add weight to your body. Apart from the daily and seasonal cycles of change, the answer to this mysterious behavior of the body lies, among other reasons, in the continuous movement of the planets and their various positions.

Good Health Requires Natural Instinct

In 1984, Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia proved that the human body is composed mostly of energy and of very little matter. To be exact, for each particle of matter, there are 974,600,000 units of energy (photons). In other words, only one billionth of your body consists of matter and the rest is vibrational energy. All matter that comprises your physical body, the chair you are sitting on and the planet you are living on, behaves essentially in a quantum-mechanical way. Since all external influences, such as solar storms, climate changes and the moon's passage through a particular zodiac, represent different energy states, they can instantly trigger corresponding activities, responses and transformations within your body. As a result of receiving these outer stimulation's, your body sends subtle signals or intuitive messages to tell you that its requirements for such necessities as food, water, rest, exercise, warmth and coolness have changed. However, this requires sensitivity and wakefulness on your part. These will be absent if you habitually suppress your body's natural urges (hunger, thirst, defecation, urination, sleep, etc.), overload your digestive system with food and waste, and even make yourself emotionally dependent on other people's advice, however useful it may appear to be.

Any good system of health care can be recognized by one attribute: It teaches you how to listen to your body and how to become self-dependent in knowing what is useful for you at every moment in time. In any case, let experience guide you in finding out what works for you and what doesn't. A theory alone does not make you healthy. As you begin to listen to your body's subtle messages, you will find that its behavior, activities, natural urges and symptoms of disease are far from being random or coincidental.

Health trouble begins when we doubt our body's ability to make the right choices, and this is exactly what we have learned to do, almost right from the beginning of life.Many of our natural instincts were discouraged or subdued by man-made rules, beliefs, manipulation and advertising. They dictate to us our lifestyle, eating habits and times of eating, sleeping and elimination of wastes.

If we keep ignoring the body's basic instincts, the mind begins to look for substitutes, which causes (legitimate) cravings for or addictions to foods, beverages, stimulants, sex, etc. By giving a little extra attention to your body, it will soon tell you the difference between a balanced and an unbalanced influence or message. If, for example, your stomach is still full and yet you want to eat something, you will find that it is not your stomach that wants more food. Food cravings tell you that your body is no longer able to digest and assimilate foods properly and is actually malnourished. This cellular famine is responsible for the food cravings. If your stomach is empty and you feel hungry, ask your stomach what it really would like to eat. The body's nutritional and emotional requirements shift from day to day in direct response to changes occurring in the near and far environment. A set dietary plan would, therefore, fail to meet the body's specific daily needs, while also blocking and distorting the messages it is trying to convey to you.

The body's natural instincts follow certain principal forces that are common to every part of physical creation. The unique representation of these forces in your body ultimately determines your natural inclinations and instincts. It is responsible for the specific characteristics of your body type. To restore your body's natural instincts, which is essential for regaining lasting health and vitality, you may first need to discover your personal body type.


[This is an excerpt from the book TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH & REJUVENATION by Andreas Moritz]

Andreas Moritz is a writer and practitioner in the field of Integrative Medicine. He is the author of 13 books ( http://www.ener-chi.com/book.htm ) on various subjects pertaining to holistic health and spirituality, including 'The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush', 'Lifting The Veil of Duality' and 'Cancer Is Not a Disease, It's a Survival Mechanism.'

His most recent book is titled 'Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time.'

Moritz is also the creator of Ener-Chi Art and Sacred Santémony. Much of his life's work has been dedicated to understanding and treating the root causes of illness, and helping the body, mind, spirit and heart to heal naturally.

Connect with Andreas at: http://www.facebook.com/enerchi.wellness

Copyright © 2011 by Andreas Moritz

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